Weight Loss

Weight Gain Pre and Post Menopause

As we age yes our body shape can change but by eating more mindfully, making healthy choices and finding exercise that we enjoy we can still feel good and keep in shape. Weight gain can be problem at any age but around Menopause when hormone levels start to shift it can become a real issue. Our shifting hormones can make us feel like we are losing our former femininity as we become more 'apple shaped' and some of our past habits no longer serve us if we want to stay healthy and in shape.

In order to be healthy we need to maintain a healthy weight and by doing this we minimize the chances of developing serious diseases such as Heart Disease, Cancer, Diabetes, Osteoarthritis etc.

With fat gain we also risk becoming 'Estrogen Dominant' an unbalanced hormonal state whereby due to the excess fat creating estrogen we can become more open to diseases such as the female Cancers, Breast Cancer, Ovarian Cancer etc.

By reducing our weight we also have more energy, feel lighter, look and feel better, reduce joint pain and fit into our clothes.

Hormone balance can be achieved naturally by many women by living a healthy life and keeping our weight within the healthy range.

Using Hypnosis for weight loss can help you get you on track, deal with cravings and binge eating and help you reach your weight reduction goals.

Healthy weight loss is not about fad diets, or never eating anything you like again. It is about changing your relationship with food. finding healthy foods you enjoy and steady weight loss. This along with daily exercise and movement that you enjoy can bring success.


Eating Behavior-Choice or Reconstruction of Past Experience? A Randomized Clinical Trial of Changing Eating Intentions of Healthy Adults Through Hypnotic Suggestions - PubMed (nih.gov)Comsa LT, David OA, David DO. (2021).

The Possible Impact of Obesity on Androgen, Progesterone and Estrogen Receptors (ERα and ERβ) Gene Expression in Breast Cancer Patients (nih.gov) (2011).

Hypnosis as an adjunct to cognitive-behavioral psychotherapy: a meta-analysis - PubMed (nih.gov) I. Kirsch 1G Montgomery, (1995)

Hypnotherapy in Weight Loss Treatment, G. CochraneJ Friesen (1986) Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 54, 489-492.



