Hypno Coaching Sessions

Menopause. Weight Loss. Self Love & Forgiveness/Inner Child. Energy Work/Chakra Balancing.

Being able to talk privately and in confidence about whatever is bothering you can not only make you feel better for opening up but will also set you on your path to wellness. During our sessions we can focus on your wellness issues to help find solutions and a way forward. Sessions are either in person or online. They include coaching and hypnosis or guided meditation.

Quite often a couple of sessions are enough to help you get on track and reset your life, sometimes more are needed.

  • Wellness Consultation

    An in-depth 2 hour session to discuss your wellness issues on whatever level whether physical, emotional, mental or spiritual. We will look at all areas of your life and highlight those that need addressing, offering solutions:

    • Includes follow up email with your Wellness advice and suggestions.

      Price €110.

  • The ‘Reset’ Sessions

    1 x in-depth 2 hour session followed by 1, 2 or 3 one hour follow up sessions:

    • Follow up email with your Wellness advice and suggestions.

    • Free ‘E’ Book and Workbook to guide you and help keep track of your symptoms.

    • Personalized Hypnotic recording for you to listen to at home to reinforce the changes you are making and assist you going forward.

    • Email or what’s app support in between the sessions.

      Price: 2 sessions €180, 3 sessions €270. If you want further sessions, the follow ups are €90. (Pay in 3 payment plan available).

"Your body hears everything your mind says” 

—Naomi Judd


For women pre and post menopause who want to help deal with their symptoms in a natural way through the help of hypnosis and coaching. To help adopt a more positive mindset around your ‘power years’ to come. If you want to be educated about menopause and the associated issues and learn what you can do to help yourself feel better.


Weight Loss

These sessions are to help you get on track with your weight loss, to identify the foods and habits that may be blocking you. By listening to your body and following nutritional guidelines that suit you personally and fit your lifestyle you can change the way you think and feel about food.

The sessions will be informative and help you deal with issues such as binging, cravings and emotional eating and help you to focus on achieving your weight loss goals.


Chakra Balancing & Energy Work

Learning how to look after our energy is an important part of staying healthy. Once you understand about the Aura and the Chakras you can practice visualization techniques and guided meditations to help clear, boost and protect your energy helping you to stay grounded and well on a daily basis. These sessions include guided meditations for Chakra Balancing as well as Aura Cleansing and Protection.


Self Love & Forgiveness/Inner Child

Emotional healing is a process that is necessary if we wish to truly live joyfully and energetically. Learning to love ourselves fully and letting go of the anger and hurt of the past are sometimes part of that process. By nurturing our 'Inner Child' and working on forgiveness of the Self and others we can remove the blocks that hold us back, allowing us to heal the heart and move on in life.


Ready to make a change?