Privacy and Confidentiality

I adhere to the Code of Conduct of the professional organizations that I belong to and you can be assured of privacy and confidentiality at all times. Please see my Privacy Policy.

Free Consultation

I offer a free 30 minute consultation. This can be in person, on the phone or on What’s App. A chance for us to connect, discuss your issues and goals, the cost, number of sessions etc. There is no obligation. This is a chance for us to see if we are a good match for working together and in which case we can go ahead and make a booking.

Fees/How Many Sessions/Payment

Sometimes one or two sessions are all that is needed however the number of sessions is specific to the client and their issue. Please book a FREE consultation for more information on cost. Most often 3-5 or sometimes more are required to get good results. The sessions can be taken weekly, bi-weekly, monthly etc. The Wellness Consultation takes around 90-120 minutes and is a one off session. Payment is by Cash, Credit Card or Paypal. Pay in 3 payment plan available.


I commit to helping you by working ethically, using my training, experience and knowledge in the best way I can. It is important that you understand your part in the success of the therapy and agree to listen to any recording given, carry out any agreed actions/tasks as appropriate, and that there is no guarantee your problem will be 'cured'.

Hypnotic Recordings/Guided Meditations

Any voice recordings given are not to be listened to whilst driving or operating machinery. They are for your sole personal use and not to be lent, copied, shared or sold. These recordings are an important part of the therapy and are ongoing support during your sessions with me.


The information on this website is provided for information purposes only and is not intended as a substitute for professional medical or psychological help. The content displayed is not done so with any intent to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any illness or condition. I am not a Medical Doctor and therefore if you have a health problem or concerns about your health in the first instance please visit your GP for medical advice.

Cancellation Policy

Please give at least 24 hours notice if you need to cancel or rebook an appointment. If less than 24 hours notice the cost of the session still applies unless a valid reason is given.