The Aura and the Chakras

We are so much more than just our Physical Selves

Everything is energy in us and around us. The Subtle Energy System is made up of the Aura, the Chakras & the Meridians. The subtle energies in and around the body create an Aura, an electro-magnetic energy field that surrounds all living things. The Chakras although not visible to the naked eye are powerful energy portals that distribute the life force energy (Chi, Qi, Prana or Charge) around the body via the energetic pathways, the Meridians or Nadis. There are many chakras but seven main ones, located from the base of the spine up to the crown. each chakra is associated with an area of our life/consciousness and physical body. The chakras are also linked to the hormone regulating ductless glands of the endocrine system in the body and therefore affect us in many ways. To be in good health and feeling good we need the life force energy to flow freely through us and when a chakra is weak or blocked the flow is disturbed and we don’t feel at our best.

We can look after our energy by protecting the Aura, being mindful of what we put in, on and around our bodies and by letting go of negative energy and promoting positive energy. An imbalance or block on any level whether physical, emotional, mental or spiritual can bring dis-ease to the body.

By practicing regular ‘Chakra Balancing’, as well as easy daily 'Energy' Exercises to keep the Aura and the Chakras clear healthy and strong we can feel vibrant and well. Adopting these practices and habits can help us reduce stress, boost creativity, improve relationships, stay positive and maintain good health. Natural ways to help us Age Energetically.

“If you want to understand the Universe think of Energy, Frequency and Vibration.” - Nicolas Tesla


Self Love/Inner Child